Compare 2 Photo Libraries

Tkdiff is a plain and simple application for file comparison that can be used to compare the matter within two files. It works with plain text documents (in text format), and the TCL ones. The best part is, the tool is easy to use and so, can be handled by any type of user whether beginner or experienced. It's basic purpose is to compare two versions of an image, for example the same object shot in two different moments, a pre-edited photo and its processed version, a sketch and the finished illustration, etc. It can be particularly useful with photo presets (Lightroom presets, Photoshop actions, etc.).

  1. Compare 2 Photo Libraries
  2. Compare 2 Photo Libraries Without

Example Usage • Option Summary

Use the compare program to mathematically and visually annotate the difference between an image and its reconstruction. See Command Line Processing for advice on how to structure your compare command or see below for example usages of the command.

Example Usage

We list a few examples of the compare command here to illustrate its usefulness and ease of use. To get started, lets compare an image to one thats been sharpened:

    ' />

The red areas of the difference image emphasizes (highlight) pixels that are affected by the image sharpening, whereas white de-emphasizes (lowlight) pixels that are untouched by the sharpening process.

Compare 2 photo libraries free

In addition to the visual interpretation of the difference in an image and its reconstruction, we report a mathematical measure of the difference:

Or, if you just want the red channel distortion, use this command:

Or, if you just want the overall image distortion, use this command:

If the reconstructed image is a subimage of the image, the compare program returns the best match offset. In addition, it returns a similarity image such that an exact match location is completely white and if none of the pixels match, black, otherwise some gray level in-between:

You can find additional examples of using compare in Examples of ImageMagick Usage.

Two images are considered similar if their difference according to the specified metric and fuzz value is 0, with the exception of the normalized cross correlation metric (NCC), where two images are considered similar when their normalized cross correlation is 1. The default metric is NCC.

The compare program returns 2 on error, 0 if the images are similar, or a value between 0 and 1 if they are not similar.

Option Summary

The compare command recognizes these options. Click on an option to get more details about how that option works.

-alphaon, activate, off, deactivate, set, opaque, copy',transparent, extract, background, or shape the alpha channel
-authenticate valuedecrypt image with this password
-background colorbackground color
-brightness-contrast geometryimprove brightness / contrast of the image
-channel typeapply option to select image channels
-colorspace typeset image colorspace
-compose operatorset image composite operator
-crop geometrycrop the image
-decipher filenameconvert cipher pixels to plain
-debug eventsdisplay copious debugging information
-define format:optiondefine one or more image format options
-density geometryhorizontal and vertical density of the image
-depth valueimage depth
-dissimilarity-threshold valuemaximum distortion for (sub)image match (default 0.2)
-distort type coefficientsdistort image
-encipher filenameconvert plain pixels to cipher pixels
-extract geometryextract area from image
-fuzz distancecolors within this distance are considered equal
-gravity typehorizontal and vertical text placement
-helpprint program options
-highlight-color coloremphasize pixel differences with this color
-identifyidentify the format and characteristics of the image
-interlace typetype of image interlacing scheme
-level valueadjust the level of image contrast
-limit type valuepixel cache resource limit
-log formatformat of debugging information
-lowlight-color colorde-emphasize pixel differences with this color
-metric typemeasure differences between images with this metric
-negatereplace each pixel with its complementary color
-profile filenameadd, delete, or apply an image profile
-quality valueJPEG/MIFF/PNG compression level
-quantize colorspacereduce image colors in this colorspace
-quietsuppress all warning messages
-read-mask filenameassociate a read mask with the image
-regard-warningspay attention to warning messages.
-repage geometrysize and location of an image canvas
-resize geometryresize the image
-respect-parenthesessettings remain in effect until parenthesis boundary.
-rotate degreesapply Paeth rotation to the image
-sampling-factor geometryhorizontal and vertical sampling factor
-seed valueseed a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers
-separateseparate an image channel into a grayscale image
-set attribute valueset an image attribute
-sigmoidal-contrast geometryincrease the contrast without saturating highlights or shadows
-similarity-threshold valueminimum distortion for (sub)image match (default 0.0)
-size geometrywidth and height of image
-subimage-searchsearch for subimage
-synchronizesynchronize image to storage device
-taintmark the image as modified
-transparent-color colortransparent color
-trimtrim image edges
-verboseprint detailed information about the image
-versionprint version information
-virtual-pixel methodaccess method for pixels outside the boundaries of the image
-read-mask filenameassociate a write mask with the image



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Compare(Image, Image)
Compare(Image, Image, ColorDifference)
Compare(Image, Image, List<ToleranceRectangle>)
Compare(Image, Image, Image)
Compare(Image, Image, ColorDifference, Image)
Compare(Image, Image, List<ToleranceRectangle>, Image)









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Compare 2 Photo Libraries


Compare 2 Photo Libraries Without

Applies to





Compare(Image, Image, List<ToleranceRectangle>, Image)



