Elephant Man Play Script Pdf

It was a horrible, ugly picture. There was a man in the picture, One day, Dr Treves saw a picture in a shop near the hospital. But he did not look like you and me. He did not look like a man. He looked like an elephant. I read the writing under the picture. It said: Come in and see the Elephant Man. I opened the door and went in. The play has four locations: the forest, the town, the schoolroom and the Van Tassel sitting room. The original production (in a small theater) placed the forest SL, the schoolroom SR, the Van Tassel house CS, and played the village scenes on the apron. For the witches’ scenes, a fogger in a cauldron creates the effect of the brew. The elephant man: a play (pdf) by bernard pomerance (ebook) 'The Elephant Man' is based on the life of John Merrick, who lived in London during the latter part of the nineteenth century. A horribly deformed young man, who has been a freak attraction in traveling side shows, is. Title: CCI26082016.pdf Created Date: 2543Z.


The Elephant Man depicts the difficult life of Joseph 'John' Carey Merrick, a real person who lived from 1862 to 1890. Because of his extreme bodily and facial deformities, he was nicknamed. Download Free Movie Screenplays in PDF format. Click on links below to download PDF scripts. Naked Gun 33 Naked Gun 2. The Elephant Man The End Of The Tour.


CLOSE-UP of a gold framedminiatureportrait of JOHN MERRICK'S

MOTHER (tune or melody over her picture, heartbeat), which

DISSOLVES TO CLOSE-UP of real Mothersmiling A shadow comes

The elephant man play script pdf

over her face. CLOSE-UP of elephant ears, trunks, faces

Elephant Man Play Pdf


Dark, heavy feet stompingelephant trumpet, rearing up.

Powerful hit and the Mother falls. Darker. Trunkslides over

Mother's face and breasts and stomach, leaving a moist trail.

MOTHER'S POV of elephant's mouth, eyes, skin. Mother's face


twists and freezes in a blurred snap roll.

BLACK again. Knock, knock sound. Curtainopens to horrified

The Elephant Man Play Script Pdf




FADE IN TO steamshooting out of a huge old half-rusted

calliope. The music is very loud and raucous. Moving up and

back we see the blackawningentrance to the freak tent,

The Elephant Man Play Script Pdf

where FREDERICK TREVES, ResidentSurgeon and Lecturer on

anatomy at the London Hospital, is standing with his back to


us observing the posters of the freaks.

Coming along a muddywalkway at the side of the tent is

Treves' wife, ANNE, and their two DAUGHTERS. The shrill over-

whelming musicseems to engulf her.

How do you load a hatch pattern in autocad lt 2017 for mac. She looks discomfited, vulnerable, and protective of her

daughters. The girls, oblivious to any fear, are finishing

The Elephant Man Script Pdf

their chocolate sweets.