The Shift Movie Wayne Dyer

Is there a moment that changed your perspective on life?

A small film crew is about to interview Dr. Wayne Dyer, a run-of-the-mill job to keep busy until their next 'real' film gets green-lit. All of them end up at the same cosy seaside resort. The Shift, which is probably better explained by its alternative title 'Ambition to meaning: Finding your life's purpose' is a life-enhancing lecture by Dr. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Wayne W Dyer Wayne Dyer said that if just 10% of the population saw his movie it would SHIFT the entire planet! Let’s help him spread this vision in remembrance of his great works he has left us here before Continue reading The Shift Movie by Wayne W Dyer →. The Shift: Directed by Michael A. With Wayne Dyer, Portia de Rossi, Edward Kerr, Michael DeLuise. In this compelling film, Dr. Dyer explores the spiritual journey from ambition to meaning.

I’ve had many of those over the years, so when friends tell me about something that helped them shift perspective, I pay attention.

Today was one of those days. In a WhatsApp Group my ears pricked up when my friend said he watched this film every 6 months.

“The Shift” by Dr. Wayne Dyer:

A Quick bio on Wayne from his site.


WAYNE W. DYER was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth. Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers. He created many audio and video programs, and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.

21 NYT Best Sellers… wowzers…

I’ve come across him before in exploring spirituality, but watching this film made me cry, blew my mind and left me feeling blissed out and compelled to write this post.

What follows are notes I couldn’t help jotting down, and this post helped me put them in order.

EGO is the thing that makes most people unhappy, can also be:





Ego can present as:

  • What I have
  • What I do
  • What other people think of me

Early in the film Dyer says we had to trust something “else” during the 9 months we were made, then why don’t we trust in that now?

He goes on to talk about the shift from:


Or, the shift to being guided by something else other than your ego.

Life as a great chance to practise non-interference and to let things happen rather than making them happen.

One of the characters in the film makes a protest many would agree with:

“How can stuff happen if I do nothing. What do I do, just sit there and wait for it to magically appear?”

Well… no.

But, we all know when we are trying to force something to happen:

  • A relationship to work
  • A friend to change
  • A job to go well
  • A project to come in
  • An invoice to get paid

Those frustrating times when it seems like the world is against you.

The greatest of enemies of ourselves are:

Expectation and Entitlement.

Namely that this should happen , in my time and how I want it.

When truthfully haven’t many of our greatest successes come from supposed failures in the eyes of ourselves or others?

  • My first proper job came by chance when I got fired
  • I met my first great love at a training session I didn’t want to be at
  • I discovered writing when I was at the lowest point in my life
  • I re-discovered writing when my business was struggling

Now, a small confession.

The Shift Movie Wayne Dyer Free Download

I do believe in God, and I have pursued knowledge and practise around spirituality since I got sober at 24.


Because I had a miracle happen in my life.

God removed my obsession to drink and use drugs, when everything I had tried up until that point hadn’t worked.

The key idea was simple:

Stop trying to force everything and just be guided by the next intuitive thought.

Hard to put into practise initially, in Recovery terms we call this “god consciousness” most people would just call this “trusting your gut”

Enthusiasm for things and life itself comes from the Greek meaning “The God within” , literally that voice inside that pulls us towards some things and repels us away from others.

Even for the most vehement non-believers, they will be hard pressed not to admit a time when there was a “coincidence” or synchronicity.

A friend calling just when you needed them. Bumping into a girl you liked at a coffee shop.

Those things are statistically possible and can be reasoned away, but even in the days when I thought all religion was a crock of shit there were many moments when stuff happened and I had no explanation why.

Dyer calls this moment when we move from Ego to Trusting in the Source, or some power bigger than ourselves as a “Quantum Event” , a rather grand term he admits for something that is actually quite simple.

A Quantum Event is similar to what Albert Maslow calls a “peak experience.”

From Wikipedia:

Abraham Harold Maslow (April 1, 1908 – June 8, 1970) was an American psychologist who was best known for creating Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs in priority, culminating in self-actualization

The Hierarchy of Needs looks like this:

The Short story for the Pyramid, was that people are moving towards being “self actualised” , where they are fully aware of themselves and their needs and not driven or directed by outside forces.

For example, being aware of being driven by greed for more things, lust to date hot women and so on.

These Peak Experiences have 3 Characteristics

From Very Well Mind:

  1. Fulfillment: Peak experiences generate positive emotions and are intrinsically rewarding.
  2. Significance: Peak experiences lead to an increase in personal awareness and understanding and can serve as a turning point in a person’s life.
  3. Spiritual: During a peak experience, people feel at one with the world and often experience a sense of losing track of time.

When I have had a peak experience I have basically been filled up with love, become ore aware of who I am and closer to others.

Dyer goes onto talk a scientific study of people who self-reported their values before and after a peak experience, and the profound change it had on them as a person. Bulk mailer 8 2 apps.

The 2 scientists in question then want onto compile this study and accompanying stories into a book: Quantum Change: When Epiphanies and Sudden Insights Transform Ordinary Lives

I found this fascinating.


Top 5 values before experience

  1. Wealth
  2. Adventure
  3. Achievement
  4. Pleasure
  5. Respect

Top 5 Values after experience

  1. Spirituality
  2. Personal Peace
  3. Family
  4. God’s Will
  5. Honesty


Top 5 values before experience

  1. Family
  2. Independence
  3. Career
  4. Fitting In
  5. Attractiveness

Top 5 Values after experience

  1. Personal Growth
  2. Self Esteem
  3. Spirituality
  4. Happiness
  5. Forgiveness

What followed was a series of lessons and insights that I find more useful to list rather than explain:

  • Open the door to change by forgetting yourself and serving others
  • You attract what you are not what you want
  • Show Up. Pay Attention and music happens
  • Do it for yourself. Not for them
  • Prepare then let go
  • Go from entitlement to humility
  • Let go of thinking you are owed anything
  • Strive only to be better than you used to be
  • Turn what can I get into what can I offer
  • Ambition with meaning = Purpose
  • Trust God, and then detach from the outcome
  • I’m here just to enjoy life and live in peace
  • To touch someone else’s life is more valuable than any amount of money
  • How can I 1) Serve 2) Be Gentle 3) Be Kind 4) Be Honest
  • You’re only a thought away from changing your life

2009 Directed by Michael A. Goorjian


Taking your life from ambition to meaning

The Shift Movie Trailer Wayne Dyer

From the creators of You Can Heal Your Life: The Movie comes a compelling portrait of three modern lives in need of new direction and new meaning. In his first-ever movie, Wayne Dyer explores the spiritual journey in the second half of life when we long to find the purpose that is our unique contribution to the world. The powerful shift from the ego constructs we are taught early in life by parents and society—which promote an emphasis on achievement and accumulation—are shown in contrast to a life of meaning, focused on serving and giving back. Filmed on coastal California’s spectacular Monterey Peninsula, The Shift captures every person’s mid-life longing for a more purposeful, soul-directed life.











Alternative Title

Ambition to Meaning: Finding Your Life's Purpose


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The Shift Movie


Dr. Wayne Dyer Movie The Shift

  • A trophy wife tags along with her career husband, as he is going to a board meeting for a project he hates from the beginning.
    A middle class family is going on vacation, and the mother is constantly stressed out about remembering everything, being on time, making sure everything runs smoothly.
    A small film crew is about to interview Dr. Wayne Dyer, a run-of-the-mill job to keep busy until their next 'real' film gets green-lit.
    All of them end up at the same cosy seaside resort.

    The Shift, which is probably better explained by its alternative title 'Ambition to meaning: Finding your life's purpose' is a life-enhancing lecture by Dr. Wayne Dyer (yep, he plays himself in the movie), presented…